A selection of projects I have worked on
- Kiddikrox - A webshop for nursery school supplies build using Kohana.
- Faqfox - A webapp using the Bing API and Express.
- Steamcoop - A webapp to find common games between Steam accounts. Build with AngularJS, Express and MongoDB.
- Dungeoneer - A game made for the 28th Ludum Dare jam in Javascript using EaselJS, SoundJS, Mousetrap and Zepto.
- Colorize - Made in a weekend for the BaconGameJam. Build in Javascript with EaselJS, Mousetrap and Zepto.
- Blackjack - A simple blackjack game made in Javascript with jQuery.
Open Source
- Presskit - A project started by Rami Ismail of Vlambeer to make it easy for game developers to create press pages.
- Slim-Mustache - A View class for the Slim framework for using Mustache templates.
- CMS - A tiny CMS I build for this site.